Define Your Value 

Defining your value as a person is important…because that will decide how the world will treat you.

I am an advocate for the phrase’go with the flow because you can’t always predict what will happen but i have learnt that you have to determine what you want and expect to receive that and more from people, from life.

Reason : The energy you give off to people is the same energy that will result in how they will choose to treat or react to you…therefore, you have to direct your expectations like a person in control of their lives or the other will decide for you, and you might not like it.

So: You can’t control every detail of your life, but make the best out of what you do have control over, your thoughts, your feelings and how you respond to situations and people.

Method : 

– Write down in point form 10 good qualities that define who you are to your 6 year old self ( Try this while looking at an old picture of yourself to help encourage emotion to this method).  Eg :” I am that one person people can always count on at work, your mom is great”.😄

-Choose one quality from this list that you feel is unique only to you, and USE it as your power supply ( inner home in yourself ), knowing absolutely that this is your strength and excert that confidence in every area of your life. 

My book ( yet to be published ) , focuses on encouraging my readers to really block the noise of society and find their own unique voice , find their flow and in turn live a life they will never regret not having LIVED. 

Some people cannot say no to save themselves, some take it as far as living a compelete life having allowed everyone from family to friends to make choices for them, not because they’re such nice people, but because they have not learnt to value their time, their energy and themselves. 

One day at a time, with refined thoughts and actions, you can change how people react and treat you, one situation / crisis at a time people will see the change in you and the recognize your self development. 

Trust yourself, trust your journey and remember, you are never alone, there is a higher power that knows you beyond the worlds opinion of you…

3 thoughts on “Define Your Value 

  1. This is a truly aspiring piece you have written, and you, my dear, is one hell of a angel 😇! I cannot wait for more of your inspirational thoughts. Much love, jessiewuvs 💁🏻💕

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